Saturday, April 19, 2008


I`m so sorry I havent written a post in a while!I`ve been so busy!First my dad came home and hogged the computer playing football,so that didn`t give me much time on the computer,barely enough time to even do my homework.Second,yesterday was the opening day and the parade of the play I`m in Ramona.Anyways,I have had something interesting happen to me.Well,actually my neighborhood but it was right near my yard,so basically it did happen to me.Anywho,I was doing my homework later at night on friday(hard to concentrate w/ siblings up),which is a skyscraper for my community class(I`m making a mall!*^-^*),and all of the sudden a BOOM comes out of no where,and I knew it was an elplosive,but I wasn`t sure at the time what kind of explosive it was,because you know that when your super scared you can`t think correctly,so me,my mom,my sister,and my brother all hid in the hallway,cause it has the most protection.Then my mom called my next door neighbor to see if she heard it and she didn`t but the funny thing is it was right behind to her house.Her husband went out to check and they were a bunch of teenagers roaming around at 9:30 at night.I wouldn`t usually mind but um.. setting of something when people are trying to sleep?So then my mom and my neighbor called the police at the same time and mu mom couldn`t get through but my neighbor could and it was awesome!lol that sounded funny but that`s not even the coolest part:All the neighbors were standing everywhere and the police brought there hellicopter and like 3 police cars were searching the grounds,and the helicopters were shining there lights and were yelling come out from hiding or something to that nature.Then they caught the guys.But that`s not the end of the story.After my mom went out,she went to give the horses water and she noticed something red.Then I don`t know what happened after that but we had to take the horse to the vet in stuff like that,and like half of her cheek was scraped on both and her forehead was scraped to and it was sad to think some immature losers would do that to a poor animal that can`t defend herself.


Anonymous said...

Awww, that poor animal. What a bunch of jerks!! By the way, I'm Gracie. Hi. :)

Livie23 said...

The poor horse! well, at least the police caught those guys, that was really bad. did the explosive make a crater? or was it just a firecracker? I use explosives sometimes, and there are all different kinds.

AudreyDarling said...

what the heckk!?!?!?
sooo immature! i hope your horse heals, cuz my mom has a horse (Twilight) and i know how easily horses get sick and all that stuff...