Monday, February 18, 2008


Tonight is the Pussycat Dolls Present Girlicious!When I saw the previews for the first season I thought it would be a horrible show,but then I just figured I`d watch it cause I was bored.It turned out to be a good one!I thought the same thing with"Crowned,the Mother Of All Pageants",and it was good.But I like The PCD show because I love dancing,and it`s fun to watch.One movie I really want to see is "The Other Boleyn Girl".It looks really good.So does "Prince Caspian" in the chronicles of Narnia.You ALL know how cute he is.I read somewhere on the internet hat he`s gay.I mean,can someone THAT hot be gay?IT`S NOT FAIR!Oh well.I`ll get over it.

Well,not yesterday but the day before I went shopping at JCPenny`s and usually I shop at Macy`s and stuff but I decided to go,and there clothes are cute!So I still shop designer but guess what that trip taught me?It`s not what you wear,but it`s HOW you wear it.Or something like that.What I mean it "It`s not if it`s expensive,it can still look nice."Well,what I bought was a pink fluffy Southpole jacket w/ fur(knockoff of Apple Bottoms) and a white tank top.

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